


Macanese Pataca (MOP)


Macau SAR

Time Zone


Employer Tax




Fiscal Year

1 Jan - 31 Dec

Table of Contents

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Key Country Facts

Macau, also known as the Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, is a small region on the southern coast of China, located on the western side of the Pearl River Delta. It was a Portuguese colony until 1999 when it was handed over to China. Macau is now a Special Administrative Region of China, which means it has a high degree of autonomy in its governance, economy, and legal system.


Macau has a total area of 32.9 square kilometers (12.7 square miles). It consists of the Macau Peninsula and two islands, Taipa and Coloane, which are connected by bridges. Macau is one of the most densely populated regions in the world, with a population density of over 21,000 people per square kilometer.


Macau has a humid subtropical climate with hot and humid summers and mild winters. The average temperature in July, the hottest month, is around 28°C (82°F), while the average temperature in January, the coldest month, is around 15°C (59°F). Macau also experiences typhoons during the summer months, which can cause heavy rain and strong winds.


Macau has a unique blend of Chinese and Portuguese cultures, reflecting its colonial history. The city has many historic landmarks and buildings, including the Ruins of St. Paul's, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Macau is also known for its cuisine, which combines Chinese and Portuguese influences. Popular dishes include Macanese-style egg tarts, African chicken, and pork chop buns.


Macau has a diverse mix of religions, with Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism being the most widely practiced. There is also a significant Catholic population due to the region's Portuguese heritage. Other religions practiced in Macau include Protestantism, Islam, and Hinduism.

Official Language

The official languages of Macau are Chinese and Portuguese. Cantonese is the most widely spoken Chinese language in Macau, and Portuguese is used mainly in official documents and government proceedings. English is also widely spoken in the region, particularly in the tourism and business sectors.

Payroll Information

Macau has a comprehensive and regulated payroll system that provides employees with protections and benefits. Employers must comply with the relevant laws and regulations to ensure they meet their obligations to their employees.

Payroll Cycle

The standard payroll cycle in Macau is monthly. Employers are required to pay their employees on a monthly basis, usually at the end of the month. In some cases, employers may choose to pay their employees on a bi-weekly or semi-monthly basis.

Employment Law

The employment law in Macau is governed by the Labor Relations Law (LRL). The LRL sets out the minimum standards for employment, including working hours, minimum wage, and leave entitlements. Employers are required to comply with the provisions of the LRL and other relevant regulations.

Employment Contract

In Macau, employment contracts are required by law for all employees, and they must be in writing. The contract must include details such as the employee's job title, duties and responsibilities, salary, working hours, and entitlements to benefits such as annual leave and sick leave. The contract must also specify the duration of the contract, which can be for a fixed term or indefinite.

Employment contracts in Macau can be terminated by either the employer or the employee. The notice period for termination is usually one month, but this can be longer depending on the length of service of the employee. Employers must provide a valid reason for terminating an employee's contract, such as redundancy or poor performance.

Probation Period / Trial Period

Employers in Macau are allowed to have a probationary period for new employees. The maximum length of the probation period is 3 months, and during this time, the employer can terminate the employee's contract without giving a reason and without notice.

Working Hours

The standard working hours in Macau are 8 hours per day and 48 hours per week. Overtime work is allowed, but it must not exceed 3 hours per day or 45 hours per month. Employers must pay employees at a rate of at least 1.5 times their regular hourly rate for overtime work.


As mentioned above, overtime work is allowed in Macau, but it is subject to limitations. Employees who work overtime are entitled to overtime pay, which must be at a rate of at least 1.5 times their regular hourly rate.


Bonuses are not required by law in Macau, but they are common in many industries. Employers may choose to pay bonuses to their employees based on performance or other factors. The amount of the bonus is typically discretionary and is not regulated by law.


Employers in Macau can terminate an employee's contract for a valid reason, such as poor performance or misconduct. The notice period for termination is usually one month, but this can be longer depending on the length of service of the employee. Employers must provide a valid reason for terminating an employee's contract.

Notice Period

The notice period for termination is usually 1 month, but this can be longer depending on the length of service of the employee. Employers must provide a valid reason for terminating an employee's contract.

Redundancy / Severance Pay

Employers in Macau must follow a specific process when making employees redundant. Employers must provide written notice of redundancy to affected employees and provide them with a minimum of 1 month's notice. Employers must also provide compensation to employees who are made redundant, which is calculated based on their length of service.

Maternity Leaves

Female employees in Macau are entitled to 56 days of maternity leave, which is paid at 80% of their average monthly salary. Employers are required to provide a maternity leave certificate from a registered doctor or hospital to their employees.

Paternity Leaves

Male employees in Macau are entitled to two days of paternity leave, which is paid at 80% of their average daily wage. This leave must be taken within 30 days of the birth of their child.

Parental Leaves

In addition to maternity and paternity leave, employees in Macau are entitled to parental leave. This leave can be taken by either parent and can be up to 3 days per year until the child is 3 years old.

Vacation and Annual Leaves

Employees in Macau are entitled to annual leave, which is calculated based on their length of service. Employees with less than 1 year of service are entitled to 1 day of leave per month. After 1 year of service, employees are entitled to 12 days of leave per year, which increases to 14 days after 5 years of service.

Sick Leaves

Employees in Macau are entitled to sick leave, which is paid at 80% of their average daily wage. The amount of sick leave that employees are entitled to is determined by their length of service. Employees with less than 1 year of service are entitled to three days of sick leave per year. After one year of service, employees are entitled to five days of sick leave per year, which increases to 10 days after 5 years of service.

Other Leaves

In addition to the above-mentioned leaves, employees in Macau are entitled to other types of leave, including marriage leave, bereavement leave, and compassionate leave. The length and conditions of these leaves are determined by the employer.

Other Benefits

In addition to the above-mentioned leaves and holidays, employees in Macau may also be entitled to other benefits, including health insurance, retirement plans, and housing subsidies. The specific benefits that employees are entitled to may vary depending on the employer and industry.


There are 12 public holidays in Macau. These holidays include New Year's Day, Chinese New Year, Ching Ming Festival, Easter Monday, Labor Day, Buddha's Birthday, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, Day following National Day, Chong Yeung Festival, and Christmas Day.


The taxation system in Macau is relatively simple and straightforward, with a progressive personal income tax rate and mandatory contributions to the Social Security Fund and CPF. Employers and employees are required to comply with the relevant regulations to ensure they meet their tax obligations.

Personal Income Tax

In Macau, personal income tax is calculated on a progressive tax rate system, which ranges from 7% to 12%. The tax rate is determined by the taxpayer's total annual income, and the tax is deducted at the source by the employer. The tax-free allowance is MOP144,000.

Social Security

Employees in Macau are required to contribute to the Social Security Fund, which provides benefits such as retirement pensions, medical care, and work-related injury compensation. Employers are also required to contribute to the Social Security Fund on behalf of their employees. The contribution rate for both employees and employers is 5% of the employee's monthly salary, up to a maximum of MOP21,000 per month.


Additionally, there is a government-managed provident fund called the Central Provident Fund (CPF) in Macau, which is a voluntary savings scheme for permanent residents and non-permanent residents. The CPF contributions can be used for purposes such as housing, education, and retirement. Employers are required to contribute 5% of their employees' monthly salaries to the CPF.

Visas and Foreign Work

General Information

Work visa is required for foreign nationals who wish to work in Macau. The visa application should be submitted to the Macau Immigration Department. The following are the general requirements and procedures for obtaining a work visa in Macau:


To be eligible for a work visa in Macau, the applicant must have a confirmed job offer from a registered company in Macau. The applicant should also have the necessary qualifications and experience for the job.

Visa Application

The visa application should be submitted to the Macau Immigration Department. The application form should be completed accurately and all required documents should be attached. The applicant may be required to attend an interview or provide additional information if requested.

Required Documents

The following documents are generally required for a work visa application in Macau:

  • A valid passport with at least six months validity
  • A recent passport-size photo
  • A job offer letter from a registered company in Macau
  • Proof of educational and professional qualifications
  • A criminal background check certificate
  • Health certificate

Processing Time

The processing time for a work visa in Macau may vary depending on the individual case and the workload of the Immigration Department. Generally, it takes about 6 to 8 weeks for the visa application to be processed.

Duration of Stay

The duration of stay for a work visa in Macau is usually tied to the employment contract. The visa can be renewed as long as the applicant continues to work for the same employer and meets the requirements.


Dependents of the work visa holder, such as spouse and children, may also apply for a visa to join the visa holder in Macau.


The visa application fee for a work visa in Macau varies depending on the duration of stay and the number of entries. The fees may also be subject to change, so it's advisable to check the latest information with the Macau Immigration Department.

Overall, obtaining a work visa in Macau requires careful preparation and compliance with the relevant regulations. The process can take some time, so it's advisable to start the application process well in advance.